Patient Details

      Please complete the following details:

    • Referring Dentist Details

      Please complete the following details:

    • Reason for Referral

      Fixed Prosthodontics / Restorative Dentistry

      Removable Prosthodontics


      Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

    • Implant Dentistry

      Implant Placement

      Implant Placement & Restoration

      Bone / Sinus Grafting

      Peri Implantitis / Complications

    • Please tick one of the following:

      I would like a report and advice with this case

      I would like you to carry out the following treatment and return the patient back to our practice

      I would like you to treat as you see necessary and let me know of your plan for this case

      Should you wish to discuss this case with one of our specialists, please call us on 01865 256007

    • Further Details

    • Medical History

    • Attached Files

    • What are the Attached Files



      Other (please specify)

    • One The Gallery needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about a referral. You may unsubscribe from these communications at anytime. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, check out our Privacy Policy.

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    • *By clicking 'Submit' you are consenting to us replying, and storing your details. (see our privacy policy).